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托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍, 工作类高频词一览,今天小编给大家带来了托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍,希望能够给帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍 工作类高频词一览

焦虑 n. anxiety

分配 vt. assign

冲突 v.&n. conflict

热情地接受 v. embrace

尝试 n.&v. attempt

竞争激烈的 adj. competitive

技巧很高的 adj. accomplished

在……方面很出众 vi. excel in …

蓝领 n. blue-collar

白领 n. white-collar

谈判 n. negotiation

应试技巧 n. technique

胜利 n. triumph

反馈 n. feedback

工作非常勤奋的 adj. industrious

建设性的 adj. constructive

有压力的 adj. stressful

令人筋疲力尽的 adj. exhausting

高薪/底薪工作 high-paying jobs/ low-paying jobs

工资过高的 adj. overpaid

升级 vt.&n. upgrade

同事 n. colleague

同事 n. coworker

同事(蓝领) n. workmate

明确的目标 clear-cut/ specific goals

员工的热情 staff morale

可行的 adj. feasible

耗时间的 adj. time-consuming

妥协 n.&v. compromise

牺牲 n.&v. sacrifice

责任分配 delegation of responsibilities

工作量 n. workload

心理压力 psychological strain

裁员 n. layoff/ downsizing

尽职尽责的 adj. conscientious

当名词时是“做某事的途径”,当动词时是“靠近” n.&vt. Approach (to)

招聘 vt. recruit

激烈的竞争 stiff/ fierce competition

高水准的 adj. high-caliber

重大错误 n. blunder

有热情的 adj. enthusiastic

讨厌的人或东西 n. nuisance

自我表达 n. self-expression

自我印象,对自己的评价 n. self-image

自尊 n. self-esteem

远程会议 n. teleconference/ teleconferencing

一种很知足的状态 n. contentment

评价,评估 n. assessment/ evaluation

时间限制,时间上的制约 n. time constraints

不愿意去做某事 be reluctant to do sth./ be unwilling to do sth.

“工作”的正式说法 n. profession/ occupation

事业 n. career

天职 n. calling

敬业精神 work ethic

职业水准 n. professionalism

很高的专业素养 n. expertise

经验丰富的 adj. experienced

工作单位 n. workplace

白手起家的创业者 n. entrepreneur

事业心强的 adj. enterprising

艰巨的 adj. daunting/ formidable

睡眠严重不足的 adj. sleep-deprived

(人)闲着的,(物品)闲置的 adj. idle

重要的 adj. significant→essential→vital

狂热 n. zeal

十分投入的 adj. devoted/ fervent/ ardent

高尚的 adj. lofty/ noble

工作满意度 job satisfaction

稳定性 n. stability

非常难做的工作 back-breaking work

给人的精神压力很大的 adj. nerve-racking

和压力有关的疾病 stress-induced diseases

努力 exert oneself

满足感 n. gratification

合作 vi. collaborate (with)

就业技能 employable skills

人际交往能力 interpersonal skills

职业前景 career prospects

重复性的 adj. repetitive

自由职业者 n. freelancer

自雇的 self-employed people

人员,员工(集合概念) n. personnel

有竞争力的 adj. competent

完美的 adj. flawless

失眠 n. insomnia

加班 work overtime

工作狂 n. workaholic

激励物,奖励条件 n. incentive

奖励,回报 n. reward

以身作则 lead by example

团结 n. solidarity

一致 n. unity

苛刻的 adj. demanding

薪酬 n. compensation

抱怨 vt. whine

员工福利 fringe benefits/ perks/ employee benefits

偏执的 adj. compulsive

礼仪 n. etiquette

合作 n. collaboration

超级忙碌的 adj. hectic

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:is daily homework necessary for students


Is daily homework necessary for students?

Many teachers assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.


基本上同意。给学生留作业的是因为学生缺乏自学能力。因此,老师通过留作业可以使学生不知不觉地完成知识的吸收。学习是一个系统的过程。系统的重复(systematical repetition)是学习过程中的一个重要机制 (mechanism)。而留作业,也正是通过这个机制使学习更加有效。但是,有些老师留作业不科学,还不如不留。留作业太多,造成副作用(counter-effect; negative effect),使学生厌学(be weary of studying) 另外,要看是哪个阶段的学生:小学(elementary school)一二年级,就不要留作业了吧?初中以上,留作业的同时是不是应该更注重培养学生的自学能力呢?上了大学之后,还要每天留作业,就很古怪了吧?

For students the only good homework is no homework. This has been a truism for as long as schools have existed. However, the practice of newly acquired knowledge and the preparation for new lessons are essential parts of the learning process. Teachers understand this and give assignments accordingly.

Nevertheless, there is such thing as too much homework. Whether daily homework is useful or not depends on the age of the students and the subjects in which the work is assigned, and teachers also have to take into account the possible negative effects of overwork. The age of a student or, better yet, the stage of the personal development of a student has to be considered when deciding on the amount of homework assigned. Elementary school students respond differently to daily homework than senior school students. They are more limited in their ability to concentrate on a subject and take in knowledge. These are skills that are developed over time. In addition, they will need time to learn other important lessons, for example how to interact socially and behave in a group of their peers.

Thus, instead of daily homework, these students need time to play with their friends. The need for daily homework also differs from subject to subject. For example, in the areas of mathematics and languages continuous engagement with the subject matter is necessary, because it allows a student to internalize important concepts and mechanisms. In the field of history, on the other hand, it is more important that students grasp greater concepts. Memorizing dates and places is important, surely, but, if forgotten, these can always be looked up in the textbook. In these subjects daily homework is not only unnecessary but it might discourage students from taking an interest in the topic.

After all, learning is largely a voluntary activity, and teachers have to consider the possibility that too much homework will frustrate the students. As a result, students might become less interested in the subject or less willing to learn. Consequently, the good intentions of the teacher could very well have the opposite effect and a student will learn less.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:opportunity to study new subject


Choose a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study.

If you could study a subject that you have never had the opportunity to study, what would you choose? Explain your choice, using specific reasons and details.


比较自由的题目,选一个科目,然后罗列三个理由。比如,学医可能比自己目前的专业更容易找工作(可以给自己编造一个非常偏僻的专业);救死扶伤很有成就感;家人身体不舒服却束手无策(have no more arrows left in one's quiver; at one's wits' end)很不好受等等。


Students graduating from colleges today are not fully prepared to deal with the "real world." It is my belief that college students need to be taught more skills and information about personal finance management to enable them to meet the challenges that face everyone in daily life, which includes playing the credit game, planning their personal financial strategy, and consumer awareness.

Learning how to obtain and use credit is probably the most valuable knowledge a young person can have.

Credit is a dangerous tool that can be of tremendous help if it is handled with caution. Having credit can enable people to obtain material necessities before they have the money to purchase them outright. But unfortunately, many, many young people get carried away with their handy plastic credit cards and awake one day to find they are in serious financial debt. Learning how to use credit properly can be a very difficult and painful lesson indeed.

Of equal importance is learning how to plan a personal budget. People have to know how to control money; otherwise, it can control them. Students should leave college knowing how to allocate their money for living expenses, insurance, savings, and so forth in order to avoid the "Oh, no! I'm flat broke and I don't get paid again for two weeks!" anxiety syndrome.

Along with learning about credit and personal financial planning, graduating college students should be trained as consumers. The consumer market today is flooded with a variety of products and services of varying quality and prices. A young person entering the "real world" is suddenly faced with difficult decisions about which product to buy or whose services to engage. He/She is usually unaware of such things as return policies, guarantees, or repair procedures, information of this sort is vital knowledge to everyday living.

For a newly graduated college student, the "real world" can be a scary place to be when he or she is faced with such issues as handling credit, planning a budget, or knowing what to look for, when to make a purchase and whom to purchase it from. Entering this "real world" could be made less painful if people were educated in dealing with these areas of daily life. What better place to accomplish this than college?



