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托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍 ,教育类高频词一览,今天小编给大家带来了托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍,希望能够给帮助到大家,下面小编就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。

托福写作必备热点话题背景词汇整理介绍 教育类高频词一览

作业n. assignment(注意它是可数名词,与homework不同)

选修课 n. elective

学分 n. credit

青少年 n. adolescent ;青春期的 adj. adolescent

青少年 children and youth

教学法 teaching/ pedagogical methodology

适应 adapt to sth./ adjust oneself to sth./ become accustomed to sth.

适应能力 n. adaptability

应用 v. apply

把学生分开教育 segregate students

团队精神 team spirit

独立思考 think independently

在理解的基础上学习 learn things through understanding

学生的反馈 students’ feedback

学生评价老师的教学students appraise/ evaluate their teachers’ performance

通才 n. generalist

专才 n. specialist

全面发展的 adj. well-rounded

为社会健康发展做贡献 contribute to societal well-being (or welfare)

人文学科 n. humanities

社会科学 social sciences

艺术 n. arts

文科总称 n. liberal studies/ arts

理科 n. sciences

工科 n. engineering

基础科学 basic sciences

应用科学 applied sciences

学科(通称);纪律 n. discipline 管教 vt. discipline

自制力 n. self-discipline

小(中、大)学教育 primary-level (or secondary-level/ tertiary-level ) education

职业教育 vocational education/ training

互动 vt. interact

学校给学生的教育 n. schooling

学校提供的课程总称 n. curriculum ( pl. curricula)

心理的 adj. psychological

参与 n. participation ≈ involvement

干扰 n. distraction

记忆 vt. memorize

获取 vt. acquire

以教师为中心的 adj. teacher-centered

以学生为中心的 adj. student- centered

熟练掌握…… be proficient in

榜样 role model

同龄人 n. peer

对孩子或者其他弱者过度保护 adj. overprotective

动力 n. motivation

沮丧 n. frustration

家长给小孩的教育 n. parenting

用批判的眼光去看问题的能力 critical thinking abilities

(某方面的)意识 n. awareness (of)

有创造力的 adj. creative / original

对……非常熟悉 adj. well-acquainted (with)

表现出色 perform well

为……打好基础 lay a solid foundation for

自尊 n. self-esteem

尊严 n. dignity

评估 n. evaluation

对……非常好的掌握 n. mastery

好奇心n. curiosity

精英 n. elite

应试教育 test-oriented education

富于想象力的 imaginative

沉迷于…… indulge in …

发人深思的 adj. thought- provoking

无知的 adj. ignorant

文盲(的) n.&adj. illiterate

学龄前儿童或者上学前班的儿童 n. preschooler

对文字技能的掌握 n. literacy

对数学知识的掌握 n. numeracy

误入歧途 go astray

给人新鲜感的 adj. refreshing

令人振奋的 adj. uplifting

给人动力的 adj. motivating

单亲家庭 n. single-parent family

未成年人 n. minors

溺爱 vt. spoil

青少年犯罪 juvenile delinquency/ youth crime

欺负(当名词是“喜欢欺负人的孩子”的意思) vt.& n. bully

逃学 n. truancy

很有启发的 adj. enlightening

成型的阶段 formative years

植物学 n. botany

天文学 n. astronomy

培养 v. cultivate/ foster/ nurture

促进学生身心发展 promote the student’s physical/ mental (or intellectual) and emotional development

心理健康 psychological soundness/ well-being/ welfare

给学生以动力 give the students motivation to do sth./ motivate the students to do sth.

传授知识 impart/ inculcate knowledge

灌输高尚的道德观 instill high moral values

给学生以灵感 give the students inspiration

学生对老师所教知识的掌握 students’ grasp (or command) of what has been taught

就业技能 employable ( or marketable) skills

填鸭式教法教学生 force-feed the students

学生不应该只是被动接受知识的容器。 Students should not be treated as passive receptacles of predigested ideas.

死记硬背 learn things by rote

为了记忆而记忆 memorize for memorization’s own sake

责任感 a sense of obligation/ duty/ res-ponsibility

记忆方程式、公式、定理、定律 memorize equations, formulas, theorems and laws

盲从 follow sth. blindly/ follow sth. indiscriminately

限制创造力的发展 extinguish/ stifle/ constrain creativity

打击学生的积极性 dampen ( or sap ) the students’ enthusiasm/ frustrate the students

产生不必要的压力 beget/ create undue pressure

塑造某人的性格 mold one’s character

来自其他同学的压力 peer pressure

逆境 n. adverse circumstances/ adversity

鼓励学生用辩证的眼光看问题 encourage the students to think critically

课外活动 extra-curricular activities

学校是社会的缩影。 A school is society in miniature.

不遵守纪律 n. indiscipline/ misbehavior/ mischief

违反纪律的学生 disruptive/ unruly students

理论知识 theoretical knowledge

双语的 adj. bilingual

形容人嘴特碎的 adj. nagging

有趣的 adj. stimulating

认知的 adj. cognitive

监护人 n. guardian

中学毕业当年成绩最优秀的学生 n. valedictorian

大学毕业成绩最顶尖 graduate summa cum laude

阐明,解释清楚 vt. illuminate

(学生)自我管理 n. autonomy

启迪 n. edification

具体一门课的内容 n. syllabus

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:help a child develop by giving gift


What gift would you give to help a child develop?

A gift (such as a camera, a soccer ball, or an animal) can contribute to a child's development. What gift would you give to help a child develop? Why? Use reasons and specific examples to support your choice.


这道题目的选择很多,题目本身就已经给出了不少例子,当然大家也可以不用只盯着一个例子写,可以使用it depends的策略,不同年龄的children可以有不同的选择。这样就能多写几个例子了。


Child's development is often supplemented by the gifts they receive from important adults in their life. It is important to choose these gifts carefully, and foster growth in the right areas. If I were to give a gift to a child, it would be the game of chess. Chess offers a number of advantages to a child. Chess builds social skills, it encourages the child to develop the higher functions of the brain, and it is a good hobby. As with most games, chess encourages a child to be social with others. As chess is a two-person game, any time children play the game they will be interacting with others. As chess is a competitive game with a winner and a loser, children will have to learn how to lose gracefully if they hope to keep their chess partners. Building social skills when one is young is very important for future successes throughout one's life. Playing chess is also an excellent way to increase one's thinking abilities. Chess is a game of strategy. When playing chess, a child will build important skills such as pattern recognition, strategic thinking, and analytical thinking. All of these skills are very important, especially when going through school. Many subjects a young person must take in school utilize all of these skills, and working on them early in life can be nothing but beneficial. Finally, chess is an excellent hobby for a young person. Playing chess, or any other time-intensive game, keeps children out of trouble. If they are spending their time working on building their chess strategies, they are not out on the streets causing trouble. Many children develop behavioral problems because of simple boredom. Chess is an excellent remedy for this, as it is fun to spend one's free time. Thus, I think chess is an excellent present to give to a young child. Chess encourages both personality and mental development, which are very important in a child's early years. While many gifts will encourage the maturity of one of these types of development, there are few gifts that foster the development of both.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:prefer items made by hand or machine


Items made by hand or items made by machine, which do you prefer?

Some items (such as clothes or furniture) can be made by hand or by machine. Which do you prefer — items made by hand or items made by machine? Use reasons and specific examples to explain your choice.


这道题还是比较具体的。不过选择比较自由,无论选哪一种都行,只要列出几个好的理由。(注意,如果说家具的话也有很多种,根据不同的种类,也可以有不同的偏好) 手工:可以按照特定要求制作,有特色,但缺点是成本往往会比较高。机械:一般批量生产,所以相对缺乏特色,但同时成本较低,更容易获得。


There are a wide variety of products, such as clothes or furniture, which can be made either by hand or by machine. Both of these methods of manufacturing products have their advantages, and both hold an important place in society. To decide which is best, one should compare the advantages of each method. There are many advantages of making products with the aid of machines. First, machine-made products tend to be cheaper than their handcrafted counterparts. As machines are very steady and do the exact same thing every time they recreate a product, these type of products tend to have consistent quality. Frequently, handmade products have extremes in their product quality; it can either be extremely good or extremely poor. Finally, machine-made products have the advantage of being able to use some finishes and materials that cannot be used when creating something by hand. These include some types of steel, laminates, and enamel finishes. There are also many advantages of buying handcrafted products. When people purchase handcrafted products, they are supporting the arts and crafts communities. Buying these types of products keeps many people employed, as it takes much more time to create an object by hand. Handcrafted objects tend to have much more diversity, as it is almost impossible to create an exact duplicate of an object if you are making it by hand. Overall, I think that there are advantages of using both machine-made products and hand-made products. I think that if one can afford to buy high quality handmade clothing and furniture, that would be the best situation. These types of products tend to last much longer than their machine-made counterparts, and one can be satisfied knowing that they are supporting an artist. However, if one cannot afford to buy high quality handmade products, it is probably better to buy things that are machine-made. Machine-made products tend to be of higher quality than poorly made handcrafted products.

托福独立写作难点话题思路解读和高分范文赏析:a custom from your country


A custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt.

Describe a custom from your country that you would like people from other countries to adopt. Explain your choice, using specific reasons and examples.


这道题目考验考生对于中外文化以及生活习惯差异的了解。有些习惯中国人外国人都有,因此也算不上是有特色的本地custom。建议大家找一些中国人习以为常但老外会觉得很奇怪的习惯来写。比如外国人来到中国,最好习惯一件事情,那就是付账的时候不要AA制或者说go Dutch,这会让一些作为host的中国人觉得不太舒服等等。


My favorite custom from Chinese culture that I wish that other countries would adopt is "Respect the Old, Love the Young." These two ideas have been part of traditional Chinese culture for thousands of years, but they are more important than ever in contemporary Chinese culture. If adopted by Western countries, these two traditional attitudes could help them solve some of their social problems.

One major problem in many Western countries is what to do with old people when they can no longer take care of themselves. A Chinese family will often have three generations of one family living under the same roof. They love and respect the older generation, and consider them wise. Western people believe that living with one's own parents is inconvenient and embarrassing. Instead of respecting old people, some think that they are stupid and ugly.

When Western families' parents get old, they would rather send them into nursing homes and retirement homes than live together with them. Only old and sick people live in these places and they are considered depressing, in the worst cases they might seem like a prison to their inhabitants. Old people in the West would be much happier if they adopted these traditional Chinese attitudes.

Juvenile delinquency is another serious social problem in Western cultures. Its causes can also be traced back to a lack of respect for old people and love for young people. Children are not taught to respect the wishes of their parents and instead value their relationships with their friends more. Because in many Western families both parents have jobs outside of the home, children often lack adequate supervision. Chinese families, by contrast, often have at least one parent, or a grandparent at home to take care of and love the children. Children without proper guidance and love from a young age might start to smoke, drink, use drugs, and commit crimes. This occurs much less frequently in China because people pay more attention to their children and have the children's grandparents nearby to help raise them.

The West puts the "Individual" before the "Family". Traditional Chinese culture puts the interests of the Family first, and the Individual second. Chinese mothers and fathers place higher value on their child's development, than on their child's independence. Children place a higher value on then-parents' happiness than on their own convenience. While there are many excellent lessons that Chinese people can learn from the West, Western people would do well to learn from these essential Chinese traditions.



