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1. The discussion 讨论问题型(题目中无观点)

2. The proposal 提出建议型(题目中有观点)

3. The argument 议论选边型



Differences between countries become less evident each year. Nowadays, all over the world people share the same fashions, advertising, brands, eating habits and TV channels. Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages of this?



It is undoubtedly the case that the world today has become a global village. One of the effects of this is that increasingly people in all corners of the world are exposed to similar services and products and adopt similar habits. My view is that this is largely a beneficial process and in this essay I will explain why.


The first point to make is that there are some downsides to this process of cultural globalisation, but these are relatively minor. The most significant of these disadvantages is that it can weaken national culture and traditions. For example, if people watch films and television programmes produced in the United States, sometimes they adopt aspects of the lifestyle of the American characters they see on television. Typically, however, this only affects minor details such as clothing and does not seriously threaten national identity.


When we turn to the other side of the argument, there are two major points to make in favour of this process. The first of these is that the more we share habits, products and services, the better we understand each other and this reduces prejudice against other nations. The other point relates to modernity. It is a sign of progress in a society that people no longer are restricted to brands and advertisements from their own society but are able to access more international goods. If, for example, there were unable to drink Coca Cola or wear Nike, then that would mean their society was not part of the international community.


In conclusion, I understand the point of view of people who worry about cultural globalisation because it is a threat to national traditions. However, this is outweighed by its positive impact on international understanding and the fact that it represents progress within a society.



Unemployment is one of the most serious problems facing developed nations today. What are the advantages and/or disadvantages of reducing the working week to thirty five hours?



It is unquestionable that rising unemployment is one of the most pressing issues in the industrial world. One solution that has been put forward is to cut the working week to a maximum of 35 hours. However, in my view this solution is rather controversial and other solutions need to be found.


It is fairly easy to understand the reasons why this proposal has been made. The reasoning is that if workers are not allowed to work for more than 35 hours weekly, then employers will be forced to engage more staff. There would be at least two advantages to this. Not only would unemployment be reduced, but the working conditions of employees on very long shifts would also be significantly improved. For example, a factory employing 300 manual workers doing 10 hours a day might employ 450 workers.


There is also, however, a strong argument not to implement this proposal. This argument is based on economiccompetitiveness. If a company was forced to employ more workers to produce the same amount of goods, then its wage bill would rise and its products might become more expensive and less competitive compared to companies with longer working weeks. In this case, it is possible that the company either might become insolvent or it would have to make some employees redundant. As a result, the intended benefit to the personnel would not happen.


In summary, we can see that this is clearly a complex issue as there are significant advantages and disadvantages to the proposal. My own personal view is that it would be better not to introduce the shortened working week because it works only in theory and not in practice.



1It is reported that 据报道

2It is estimated that 据估计

3It must be stressed out that 必须得着重指出

4 Nothing has received more praise and abuse than something.没有。。。能像。。。这样毁誉参半

5Something leave much to be desired.。。。远不能令人满意

6 A is to B what C is to D.A对于B正如C对于D

7Never does something fail to fascinate us in modern society在当地社会,。。。总是能吸引人们眼球

8It is no overstatement to say that 可以毫不夸张地说

9It is no exaggeration to say that 可以毫不夸张地说

10Something is a good case in point.。。。就是一个绝佳的例子

11The ever-accelerated updating of something has brought about both chances and challenges.

12It is \was + 被强调部份 + that \ who + 原句剩余部份. 正是。。。才。。。

13Something is indispensable to somebody in this updating society.在这样一个不断发展的社会,。。。对于人们来说不可或缺。

14On the one hand,一方面

15 On the other hand,另一方面

16An argument occasionally these days is whether 近来一种观点说

17 For example,举个例子

18 For instance,举个例子

19 To illustrate,举个例子

20 As an illustration,举个例子



1. 一致:如句内的逻辑关系,注意检查是否存在简单推论、逻辑残缺、逻辑悖论、依赖偏见等。

Born in a small town in South Chinain the early 1950s, he grew up to be a famous musician.

→ He was born in a small town in South China in the early 1950s. In his childhood he liked to sing songs. Later he entered a conservatory. In the 1970s he became a famous musician.

2. 连贯:这个问题在平行结构、共用主语、使用指代的情况下尤其需要注意。

We thought she was charming, intelligent, and a very capable young woman.

→ We thought she was charming, intelligent, and very capable.

Or: We thought she was a charming, intelligent, and very capable young woman.

He was knocked down by a bicycle, but it was not serious.

→ He was knocked down by a bicycle, but was not badly injured.

Looking out of the window, the grassland stretches as far as the eye can reach.

→ Looking out of the window, we can see the grassland stretching as far as the eye can reach.

Or: Outside the window, the grassland stretches as far as the eye can reach.

He gave a reason for not attending the meeting, which nobody believed.

→ He gave a reason, which nobody believed, for not attending the meeting.

Or: He gave a reason for not attending the meeting, a reason which nobody believed.

3. 简洁:英美文化推崇坦率和直接,通常不需要体现咱儒家文化的含蓄和委婉。

It was small in size and blue in colour.

→ It was small and blue.

He usually likes to drink all kinds of wines that are produced in France.

→ He prefers French wines.

4. 强调:正如每篇文章都要有中心思想(main idea),每个段落都要有主题句(topic sentence)一般,每个句子都要围绕一个中心观点清晰地呈现出作者想要表现的重点。

He is modest and hardworking and is a good student.

→ He is a good student, modest and hardworking.

There is a big tree, which is said to be 300 years old, in the temple.

→ In the temple there is a big tree, which is said to be 300 years old.

At the sight of the disorderly crowd, he was aware that something bad would be possible.

→ The moment he saw the disorderly crowd, he knew that something bad would happen.

5. 多样:中文重重复,英文重替代,中英差异使然。


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