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25"Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction—in other words, to make things as simple as possible."

.意,但简化之前也需要把事情先变复杂 deep understanding


大家都可以把事情弄复杂,因为不需要归纳总结,许多事实、数据、资料堆在一起就显得复杂了;这并不会对工作带来好处,没有效率、不清晰;需要 effort and courage把复杂的事情简化,abstract the essence; make an outline; inform


2、越是简单明了的东西包含的智慧、努力、勇气越多 简单的东西背后包含了许多努力,把复杂的思想用简单的方式呈现出来

excellent leader is one who can remain calm, seize the strategic point of the problem and give clear instructions when faced wi th complex alternatives. 计算机软件的发展把复杂的事情变的简单易处理,DOS需要许多命令调用程序,windows click the buttons

3、在简化复杂事情之前需要花精力把事情弄得 bigger and complex

full-blown ;对复杂事物简化后得到的事物可以包含主要内容,没有经过充分深入分析某事物,直接用简单的形式表现出来,其实是没有经过思考

teaching; before present the knowledge in a clear way; easy to understand

analyze the relationship among all the knowledge objects, students' previous knowledge structure, ability in understanding; synthesize into a teaching plan which is somewhat complex but can be presented in an intelligible way




1 我们的个人生活正在变得复杂;比如现在的 Audio player 功能越来越复杂,因为 manufacture不用费太多的cost就可以给它们加上 functions of radio ,displaying lyrics and electronic books reader; 人们健康的生活也被赋予了极多的限制,比如很多 specialists甚至邻居大妈都叮嘱我们吃这个可以提高什么含量,进行什么手术可以排除什么的 potential danger。

2 我们的社会的关系太复杂,我们每天生活的太累。比如我们现在的圣诞节,甚至已经变成了一种负担,而不是简单的节日;比如现在盛大而复杂的婚礼,变成了一场闹剧,新郎新娘是小丑一样。我们多么向往过去那些简简单单的生活阿。

3 简单的世界需要勇气和能力,比如苹果的 shuffle,比如reform of official system。



1 科技的迅速发展和极度膨胀,给我们带来了很多烦恼。个个领域都出现了各种各样的问题,这使得我们的生活变得不好。比如,先进的科技使得先进的武器成为可能,同样是一个炸弹,现在的能比原来的多炸死几万人,我们的生活随时都会随着一声巨响而消失;比如,互联网的 virus,每年都有 billion dollars 的损失,并且极大的威胁到了我们的隐私,这使的我们在生活中不得不安装大量的杀毒软件并提心吊胆害怕自己的数据被 stolen。从这两个例子来看,我们的生活正在被科技毁掉。

2 然而科技带给我们更多的是好处。尽管很多人都在说科技的不是,但是没有几个人愿意回到过去落后的时代去生活。人们现在的生活因为科技变得方便和丰富多彩。我们想听到我们亲爱的声音看得到她的容貌,永远不再需要骑马狂奔几公里,因为我们有电话,有网络视频;甚至我们可以一踩油门就到了爱人的家门口;因为有了发达的医学,我们不在因为骨折 fracture of bone 而终生残疾,我们也不会因为家人或者朋友感冒而过分担心;因为发达的电视,我们可以坐在沙发上跟随国家地理频道的镜头去旅游……从这个意义上来说,科技大大提高了我们的生活质量,这些提高远大于它们带来的问题。

3 我们也不要因为科技带来的问题过分 pessimistic, 因为各种政府正在致力于解决这些问题。我们很高兴的看到越来越多的国家签署了禁止使用核武器条约,我们也很高兴的看到越来越多的立法来限制企业对环境污染;甚至,越来越多的人参与到保护野生动物的行列中来。科技不是魔鬼,而是我们创造的工具,好好运用,我们的未来是美好的,

25T "Anyone can make things bigger and more complex. What requires real effort and courage is to move in the opposite direction—in other words, to make things as simple as possible."


① 事情确实是越变越复杂了。原因:全球化、通信工具都使得人们之间的距离拉近,要解决一个问题要牵扯到很多人。现状:政府机构越来越庞杂 Lending even more credence to th e statement is the so-called “big government” phenomenon. 、学科分类越来越多。

② 人们的解决方法是:简化复杂的事情。A 一部分工作由电脑取代,如复杂的计算、存储和数据分析。B 对工作进行分类,每个人只做一部分,专攻。

③ 把事情简单化从表面来说容易,实际很难,需要对整个事情有通盘的考虑,并能分清主次。to make things simple means to have profound understanding of the whole matter, to discriminate between essence and peripherals, and ulti mately to refine the big and complex body of knowledge into principles


26"Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern planners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served."


1、承认随着 modernization许多古老建不符合经济发展需要,只能拆掉


history textbooks, provide vivid education for young generation cultural heritage for descendants, tourism resources; can never be restored


integrate the preservation of historic buildings with modern development

store, entertainment and relaxation









1 部分历史建筑的文化, 艺术和经济价值决定它们应该被保护。

2 另外一部分历史建筑缺乏上述价值, 所以应该被现代建筑所代替

3 所以在现代化规划中, 人们应该综合考虑利弊,合理进行选择。

4 总之,我们应该尽量保护历史建筑,但是当现在发展需求的利益大于保护古建筑的利益时,我们应该牺牲古代建筑来满足当代的发展。

.Save valuable resources and reca lls a community’s goal and dreams ,一个民族的文化与历史就是通过历史遗迹来保留的,所以为了后代保留这项历史建筑,故宫,大雁塔,西安城墙带来经济利益。保护古代建筑好的城市吸引更多游客,使他们停留更久花钱更多。A recent travel industry survey over 40% Americans visiting historic place, battlefield, building spent 40% more than typical traverler.西安,北京

当矛盾出现时候,如果历史建筑有历史价值,保留意义,应该保护。否则一旦破坏,无法恢复比如西安的城墙 circumvallation ,已经有 700 年的历史了,是世界上保存最完整的城墙,当时为了修火车站,就拆除了一段城墙,这样就破坏了城墙的完整性。使得城墙不能再恢复其原貌。

.Most people would agree that buildings represen t a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern pl anners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served."




2.此外,很多历史建筑已经成为了当地的标志 emblem,很好的旅游景点等,因此要尽量保护。




一、Owing to the complexity, 不能 irrespective/indiscriminately, Balance ,保留一部分,或者改建

二、有些该拆 In a developing city, vacant lands for modern development are indeed essential for citygrowth.

1.旧房子跟现代化冲突,老北京 replete with one-storey hous e, raze, make a way for new

2.如果跟实际迫切需求冲突,如建医院 satisfy increasing health care needs

三、但有些是时代象征,极具文化价值 as old buildings may be valuable not only in architecture, may even be a hallmark of a time, or a culture carrier of the city

1.拆了就没了 irreversible ,仿制品description literatures or replications 也不 as stunning as

2 .文化传承 Egypt Pyramid pilgrimage, Babylon 留下来的少,Greece, Parthenon Temple, column,fountainhead

四、 To strike a balance among competing interests, some old buildings should be conserved while some are not, 虽然who can decide the fate of these buildings这篇文章不解决了

1.平房保留一部分 representative are sanctioned to survive

2. 保留 places of interest Imperial Palace, emblem

3.或者改建,Louvre Museum 从palace retrofit

26T "Most people would agree that buildings represent a valuable record of any society's past, but controversy arises when old buildings stand on ground that modern pl anners feel could be better used for modern purposes. In such situations, modern development should be given precedence over the preservation of historic buildings so that contemporary needs can be served." 26. 很多人认为建筑代


① 历史建筑代表了一个民族的过去,不光是现代人、也是后代人的财富。Historic buildings are irrecoverable resources we should preserve not only for ourselves but also for our descendants and representatives of our national past.

② 很多历史建筑具有审美价值 aesthetic value、或者代表了一个时代的奇迹 wonder,能吸引旅游从而促进经济。

如:Great wall. Pyramid Historic buildings are valuable records of a society’s past, and they serve more as travel attractions, city emblems.

③ 对于那些Some old buildings which are of less value and in bad state can be removed for contemporary needs。因为经济的发展城市越来越拥挤,现代的建筑更实用,更能满足人类的需求。


27"No one can possibly achieve success in the world by conforming to conventional practices and conventional ways of thinking."



cooperate, teamwork; education emphasize individual learning, pay no attention to collabrotive learning; failure in education awareness of life-long learning; to enrich one's knowledge; or eliminated by the new age


Einstein; Corpernicus


Chinese ancient thinker's ideas are still useful for people in modern society; Confucianism; Sunzi military stragetigis

which dates back to thousands of years ago in China, still plays a great role in today's society of business. Many successful enterpriser place high emphasis on it and put it into use in their business battle, especially in the management of the public relations.


28"Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little."

1、memorize facts只是rote learning 学习效果不好


在学习ideas, trend and concepts 之后,对事实的理解和记忆都有很大帮助 chemistry experiment, the result of the reaction; elements

2、不一定要在学习 ideas, trend and concepts 之后记忆事实

事实的作用是说明概念,可以加深概念的理解;直接学概念会比较抽象;在了解事实基础上归纳出概念、原理、趋势,不仅有利于培养分析综合能力,而且对概念原理的理解更深入,可以应用到其他事实当中examine real-world facts

the dynamics of supply and demand




事实太丰富,不可能都记住,获取方便,不需要都记住;no need to memorize every single detail of industrial revolution, but have to understand the trend of hi storical development and the following influeces indicated by the facts

understand how to generalize the essence from the complex facts



1. 多数的事实背后都隐藏有比事实本身更有价值的原理。尽管各种事件每天都会发生,但是引起这些事件的原理却是有限的,教会学生事件背后的原理不光能够让他们具备深入分析事实的能力,还可以帮助他们在未来碰到他们从未遇到的问题时,能够使用学到的基本原理进行解决。比如,当需要学生了解一个他们从未接触过的文化时,让他们了解这个文化的起源、历史以及背景,比起让他们背诵包含在这个文化里的各种复杂的名词重要的多,因为前者不光能够让学生们更深入的理解这个文化中的各种概念,更重要的是,学生们在以后碰到其他的文化时,也能够运用所学到的原理进行分析和理解。此外,许多事实相对乏味,而这些事实背后的故事和轶事则更能激发学生的学习积极性。

2. 在教育中强调理解,并不意味着学生不需要记忆任何名词和概念,而是通过让学生们了解概念的背景帮助他们记忆。对于需要在未来的世界里运用他们所学的知识来谋生的大部分学生来说,只有记住许多事实和概念,他们才能够更熟练的运用和操纵他们学到的知识。比如说,如果学生们记不住乘法表 (multiplication table),即便是他们理解了乘法的基本原理,他们仍旧无法熟练的进行乘法计算(multiplicative calculation)。此外,许多的传统和道德观念是需要在早期教育中需要学生不断记忆的,因为那时的学生还很小,他们不可能理解过深的道理,但是道德观念却需要在很小的时候就灌输给学生,这时候就需要让学生记忆这些准则,以便于克服人类本质上的不良方面

3. 先理解在记忆的方式是目前最佳的教育方法之一。一方面,过度强调理解会导致学生忽视概念和事实的重要性,并可能最终导致当他们未来无法熟练的运用他们所学的知识;另一方面,过分注重记忆,又会让学生对学习失去兴趣,并失去解决未知问题的能力。所以,通过理解让学生进行记忆,之后通过记忆来加深学生的理解,是最佳的教育方法之一。


一、让步承认,但不见得要先学,因为不见得能懂,作者把 order 搞反了


1.No one can deny that merely rote memorization brings nothing constructive except for practicing memorizing skills.

2.医学背病征,入门,不能 professional training, 如果不加深,,不能诊断、开药



1.是advanced knowledge,不见得能懂,学要更高的理解能力



4.就像爬 skyscraper,引起反感,失去兴趣

四、应该后学 since the knowledge that helps explain those facts serve to develop students' comprehension of a phenomenon an d enlarge their ken, the ideas, trends and concepts should be studied after


2.Memorization 不仅是 necessity to approach the academic world,而且 pave the way for further study只有掌握好基础才能更进步 pave the way

3. 只有打好坚实的基础,高深知识才能 effectively play their role in reinforcing, stimulating

28T"Students should memorize facts only after they have studied the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts. Students who have learned only facts have learned very little."


① In the process of studying, no matter in whatever disci pline, we are required to memorize facts that are indispensable for us to master the knowledge. Only through reciting most of the concepts and information of the facts can individuals possess the capability to turn the knowledge they have acquired to practical account. :记住最基本的语法,否则无法写文章。Under this circumstance, the memorizing is necessary and should be served as the main methods of education.

② Compared with memorizing only facts, learning the ideas, trends, and concepts that help explain those facts can do much more. A 事实背后的故事和轶事则更能激发学生的学习积极性,先记住一些基本 principle便于理解和掌握 facts with a conceptual framework already in place, a student as better able to understand the meaning of a fact to begin with, and to appreciate its significance. More likely to memorize the fact to begin with, le ss likely to forget it as time passes. B以不变应万变。provide them with the ability to solving the problems before in the class in the future.

③ Conceding that students must learn ideas and concepts, as well as facts relating to them, in order to learning anything meaningful, I nevertheless disagree that the former should always precede the latter. Strict adherence to the speaker’s advi ce would surely lead to ill-conceived ideas, concepts and theories.如:讲授地理时,先记住国家和民族名称,再讲述历史发展。另一方面,刻意遵循先后原则,不能及时了解学科前沿动态 the advancement of knowledge 。




