It is a paradox of the Victorians that they are both ___ and throughout the empire, cosmopolitan.
A. capricious
B. insular
C. mercenary
D. idealistic
E. intransigent
选 B
capricious 反复无常的,多变的,任性的
insular 岛屿的,岛上生存的,与世隔绝的,思想狭隘的
mercenary 追逐利益的,唯利是图的,贪婪的,雇佣(兵)的
idealistic 理想主义的,理想主义者的
intransigent 拒绝妥协的,(时贬)态度极端顽固的,不合作的。
cosmopolitan 世界(性)的,各族各国的,国际的,(动植物等)遍及世界的,世界大同的,四海一家的
Despite the scathing precision with which she satirizes the lies of the social aspirants and moneyed folk, the writer appears to (i) ___ being part of the world she presents as so (ii) ___ .
Blank (i)
Blank (ii)
A. abhor
D. unattainable
B. relish
E. insufferable
C. evoke
F. enchanting
选 BE
scathing 严厉的,刻薄的
satirize 讽刺,挖苦
aspirant 有抱负的人,有志追求名誉、职位的人
abhor 憎恨,厌恶,拒斥
relish 欣赏,品味,给…加佐料
evoke 产生、引起(反应等),唤起(情感、记忆等)
unattainable 难以获取的,难以达到的
insufferable 难以忍受的
enchanting 迷人的,醉人的
张爱玲在小说里把情感世界看得比谁都更透彻,但自己却一辈子为情所困,完全不像她的笔触那么 sophisticated 。
1. Among the Meakcambut people of Papua New Guinea, legends are associated with specific caves in the Speik region, and the legends are ___ : only cave owner can share its secrets.
A. proprietary
B. impenetrable
C. immutable
D. didactic
E. self-perpetuating
选 A
翻译:对于巴布亚新几内亚的 M 人,传说总离不开 S 地区某些特定的洞穴,而且属于私有财产:只有洞穴主人知道它的秘密。
proprietary 私有的,属于所有人的,专利的,专卖的,独家制造或销售的,商标等受保护的
impenetrable 无法穿透或进入的,不通情理的,无同情心的,不可理解的
immutable 无法改变的,永恒的
didactic 教导的,道德说教的,寓教于乐的,(贬)好为人师的
self-perpetuating 使自己永远存在的,巩固自身权力、地位的。
这词有点意思,它修饰事物的时候,往往指某事物 “影响深远” ,很可能是个正面的评价,比如你可以说某件艺术作品 self-perpetuating,也可以这么说金字塔,或者中华文化;当它修饰人时,意味完全变了,比如一位总统,当了两届,主张修宪,允许总统最长任期延长两届,当满四届又主张修宪,允许终身制,这种也叫 self-perpetuating,比如斯大林和坚持不设国家主席的那个谁,基本都是这种路子。
In the absence of a surface gradient, the new laws of refraction and reflection are ___ the conventional law, so they represent more of an extension than a complete revolution.
A. inferable from
B. entailed by
C. antithetical to
D. coincident with
E. antecedent to
F. oppositional to
选 AB
inferable 可推导的,可推断的
entail 牵涉,使(某事物)必要
antithetical 对偶的,对比的,对立的
coincident 巧合的,同时发生的,特点相似的
antecedent 前面的,以前的
When pulsars were first discovered, some of the astrophysicists involved briefly (i)_____ these types of stars might be (ii)______extraterrestrial intelligence. Specifically, the pulsar’s periodic radiation pattern was initially interpreted as (iii)______ rather than—as it turned out to be—the natural product of the spinning of a neutron star.
Blank (I)Blank (II)Blank (III)
A:ignored whether D:suggestive of G:a deliberate hoax
B:thought that E:unrelated to H:an episodic phenomenon
C:disavowed that F:evidence against I:a constructed code
There has been great enthusiasm in the United States for reducing fossil fuel dependence by increasing production of biofuels from crops such as corn and switchgrass, but this (i)_____ about biofuel’s potential should be (ii)_____ by a realistic appraisal of the costs and challenges of biofuel production.
Blank (I)Blank (II)
A:forbearance D:tempered
B:exuberance E:delineated
C:obduracy F:exacerbated
Until now,old snapshots and home movies faded and crumbled and were eventually (i)_____.Only a few precious mementos were preserved and passed along. But as photography moves into the digital realm, family albums and home videos seem capable of (ii)_____: our capacity to store them is, for all practical purposes, approaching the infinite. Is such a transformation a good thing? The natural world teaches us that (iii)_____ are vital to ecological health. Does a similar principle apply to communal memory?
Blank (I)Blank (II)Blank (III)
A:archived D:transmission G:death and decay
B:discarded E: immortality H: predator and prey
C:reproduced F:revolution I:reproduction and renewal
The threat of litigation makes the art authentication industry _____ realm: connoisseurs refuse to communicate in writing and confidential agreements bind authenticators to silence.
A:an opportunistic
B:a clandestine
C:a moralizing
D:a xenophobic
E:an anarchistic
Recent research runs counter to the long-cherished notion that a small drop in body temperature during and after surgery is either _____ or actually protects the patient by slowing metabolism and reducing the body’s demand for blood and oxygen.