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Snacks are I suppose defined as things that we eat between regular meals. In fact, if you are eating something and it is not breakfast, lunch or dinner-time then it is a snack. So, if you are having an apple sometime in the afternoon then that apple is a snack. However, on the whole when we talk about snacks we are not really talki

ng about fruit and healthy things. The category of snacks is usually filled with things that are not so good for us.

Snacks are I suppose defined as things that we eat between regular meals. In fact, if you are eating something and it is not breakfast, lunch or dinner-time then it is a snack. So, if you are having an apple sometime in the afternoon then that apple is a snack. However, on the whole when we talk about snacks we are not really talki

ng about fruit and healthy things. The category of snacks is usually filled with things that are not so good for us.

What are these traditional snacks? Chips, or as they are called in Britain, crisps, are a favourite snack and as with most popular snacks they are not a healthy option (选择). Laden with ase (油脂) ause of their origin in the fat fryer (油炸用的食品) they are the dieters curse (咒骂). Another at favourite is chocolate and again it is a food option that is well capable of converting a sleek (光滑的) physique (体形) into something a little more wobbly (不稳定的)!

Regarding the healthiness of snacks a big problem of so many of the regular popular options out there is generally their low quality. What you might buy in the stores on the high streets has been mass produced with all sorts of rubbish added to boost the flavour at minimum (最小的) cost. If you were to actually get many of these snack types made at home then they would probably be a lot better for you. For instance, chocolate comes from South America. The original examples of chocolate are very different to what we are now used to. Our chocolate has so much sugar and fat added to it that it would be quite unpalatable (不好吃的) to someone used to the traditional version. However, ause we have all been brought up on food and snacks with no subtlety (狡猾,微妙) of flavour then we cannot appreciate the more traditional examples of snacks.

So ause of this way our snacks are made we have developed a love-hate relationship with them. Our taste buds (味蕾) demand the satisfaction only snacks can give but the diet industry condemns (指责) them as the road to obesity (肥胖). So there is a conflict between the advertising of snacks and promotion of the lifestyle associated with them of having a good time and the attack on them as dangerous to our health from the just as agssive diet industry. My advice, is to ignore the propaganda of both sides and enjoy snacks for what they are, which means bearing in mind that too much is too bad.


A Typical Day

As a high-school teacher, I have understandably become concerned not just about the future of our profession but the public perception of it as well.I decided recently, therefore, to take advantage of the so-called "spare" time that I have in my work day to take a leisurely stroll around the building and see for myself just what goes on outside my own classroom.

The first door I passed was that of a math teacher who was providing individual attention to a student who was quite obviously having some difficulty.The student‘s face said it all: frustration, confusion, quiet desperation.The teacher remained upbeat, offering support and encouragement.

"Let‘s try again, but we‘ll look at it from a slightly different point of view," she said and proceeded to erase the chalkboard in search of a better solution.

Further down the hall, I came across the doorway of one of our history teachers.As I paused to eavesdrop, I witnessed a large semicircle of enthusiastic students engaged in a lively debate regarding current Canadian events and issues.The teacher chose to take somewhat of a back-seat role, entering the fray only occasionally to pose a rhetorical question or to gently steer the conversation back toward the task at hand.They switched to role-playing and smaller groups of students chose to express the viewpoints of various provinces.The debate grew louder and more intense.The teacher smiled and stepped in to referee.

Passing the gym balcony, I looked down to see a physical education teacher working with a group of boys on a basketball passing drill.

"Pass and cut away!" he shouted."Set a screen.Hit the open man."

Suddenly, there was a break in the action.

"Hold on, guys," he said."Do you guys really understand why we‘re doing this drill?"

A mixture of blank stares and shrugged shoulders provided the answer, so he proceeded to take a deep breath and explain not only the purpose of the drill, but exactly how it fit into the grand scheme of offense and team play.A few nods of understanding and the group returned to its task with renewed vigor.

The next stop on my journey was the open door of a science lab where, again, a flurry of activity was taking place.I watched intently as a group of four students explained and demonstrated the nature and design of a scientific invention they had created.As they took turns regaling their small but attentive audience about the unique features of their project, a teacher was nearby, busy videotaping their entire presentation.

As I was leaving, I heard her say, "Okay, let‘s move the television over here and see how you did."

Finally, on the way back to my room, I couldn‘t help but investigate the low roar coming from down the hall.Music blaring, feet stomping, instructions straining to be heard above the din.Dancers of every shape and size were moving in seemingly random directions, although their various destinations were obviously quite well-rehearsed.Good things were happening here: hard work, sweat, intense concentration.And then, a mistake.One of the dancers offered an explanation, which led to a discussion among several of them.The dance teacher intervened and facilitated a resolution.A half-hearted plea by one of the students for a quick break fell on deaf ears.

"We‘ll have our break when we get this part right," she called out.A brief pep talk imploring them to push themselves just a little further seemed to create some new energy, and once again the place was hopping."Now, from the top . . ."

My excursion complete, I returned to my corner of the school and reflected on what I had observed.Nothing surprising really.It was essentially what I had expected to find: goal-setting, problem-solving, teamwork, critical analysis, debate, discussion.In short, learning.

The only thing that you may have found surprising, but I didn‘t, was that when I began my journey, the regular school day had already ended an hour before.

Reprinted by permission of Brian Totzke (c) 1997 from Chicken Soup for the Teacher‘s Soul by Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen.In order to protect the rights of the copyright holder, no portion of this publication may be reproduced without prior written consent.All rights reserved.


Simplicity is an uprightness of soul that has no reference to self; it is different from sincerity,and itis a still higher virtue. We see many people who are sincere, without being simple; theyonly wish to passfor what they are, and they are unwilling to appear what they are not; theyare always thinking of themselves, measuring their words, and recalling their thoughts, andreviewing their actions, from the fear that they have done too much or too little. These personsare sincere, but they are simple; they are not at ease with others, and others are not at easewith them; they are not free, ingenuous, natural; we prefer people who are less correct, lessperfect, and who are less artificial. This is the decision of man, and it isthe judgment of God,who would not have us so occupied with ourselves, and thus, as it were, always arranging ourfeatures in a mirror.

To be wholly occupied with others, never to look within, is the state of blindness of those whoare entirely engrossed by what is present and addressed to their senses; this is the veryreverse of simplicity. To be absorbed in self in whatever engages us, whether we are laboringfor our fellow beings or for God-to bewise in our own eyes reserved, and full of ourselves,troubled at the least thing that disturbs our self-complacency, is the opposite extreme. Thisis false wisdom, which, with all its glory, is but little less absurd than that folly, which pursuesonly pleasure. The one is intoxicated with all it sees around it; theother with all that it imaginesit has within; but it is delirium in both. To be absorbed in the contemplation of our ownminds is really worse than to be engrossed by outward things, because it appears like wisdomand yet is not, we do not think of curing it, we pride ourselves upon it, we prove of it, it givesus an unnatural strength, it is a sort of frenzy, we are not conscious of it, we are dying, andwe think ourselves in health.

Simplicity consists in a just medium, in which we are neither too much excited, nor toocomposed. The soulis not carried away by outward things, so that it cannot make all necessaryreflections; neither does it make those continual references to self, that a jealous sense of itsown excellence multiplies to infinity.That freedom of the soul, which looks straight onward inits path, losing no time to reason upon its steps, to study them, or to contemplate those thatit has already taken, is true simplicity.


It is an illusion that youth is happy, an illusion of those who have lost it; but the young know they are wretched, for they are full of the truthless ideals which have been instilled into them, and each time they come in contact with the real they are bruised and wounded. It looks as if they were victims of a conspiracy; for the books they read, ideal by the necessity of selection, and the conversation of their elders, who look back upon the past through a rosy haze of forgetfulness, prepare them for an unreal life.

They must discover for themselves that all they have read and all they have been told are lies, lies, lies; and each discovery is another nail drivens into the body on the cross of life. The strange thing is that each one who has gone through that bitter disillusionment add to it in his turn,, unconsciously, by the power within him which is stronger than himself.



Everyone has been loved by their parents, and I don't know how many times! I'm here to introduce my parents' love for me.


That time, I came home late. My parents were very worried and angry at home. When I got home, my father told me to stand up. They scolded me for a few words and then beat me. At that time, I was very angry and thought to myself: hum, what's so great? I rely on myself as an adult!


They deliberately told me to run away from home. I just came to the door, my mother kicked the door and closed it. I happened to be impartial, and was pressed by the door. Mom and dad rushed me to the hospital.


When I got to the hospital, I opened my eyes slowly and saw my father and mother running around in front of me. "What can I do?" Dad shouted? What should I do? "


I thought to myself: it seems that mom and Dad don't bother me. I was wrong. My mother saw me wake up, hugged me and said, "my dear son, I shouldn't hit you. You say, I'll buy you what you want. "


I was moved to say: "nothing, I just want you to care about me."


"My dear son, I will be very concerned about you!" said the mother kindly At this time, my father also came to hold me.


Now I know that father and mother love me as well!



