以教育类的题目为例:Some people think that watching television is bad for children. Others say it is good for children to get knowledge. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
该题甲方观点是说,看电视对于小孩来说有坏处,其分论点并不难想:一方面看电视在身体上(physically) 有坏处:比如造成近视的(short-sighted)问题,长期坐着不运动肥胖(obesity)问题;另一方面看电视在行为上(behaviorally)也对小孩有不良影响:比如暴力内容(violent content)以及危险行为(dangerous behaviors)会让小朋友模仿(imitate),对他人造成伤害,比如以下新闻:
而该题乙方观点是说,看电视对小孩获得知识有好处(good for children to get knowledge),这就很抽象了。很多小伙伴能够首先想到的是看新闻(news),然后能想到看纪录片(documentary films),之后就一片空白,开始进入卡壳状态,以至于在考场上浪费了时间还写不够字数。
你会看《动物世界》《Animal World》
所以我们能在其中获得的知识就是自然科学(natural science)有关的知识。让看电视的小盆友们学习到物种多样性(diversity of species) 、各种生态环境(Various ecological environments)以及适者生存(survival of the fittest)的自然法则(law of nature)。
再者,有的电视节目能起到独特的功效,比如一档节目,如果想增肥的话在吃饭以后看(因为看完它你又饿了),如果想减肥的话就在饭前看(因为看完之后就不想吃自己面前的饭了)。它就是:《舌尖上的中国》(A BITE OF CHINA).
看《舌尖上的中国》能让大家了解到中华饮食文化(Chinese diet culture)
教给小盆友们厨艺技能(cooking methods and skills)。同时节目里还会描述当地人的生活方式(lifestyle of local residents) ,会跨越不同的中国省份,也就有了地理知识(knowledge of geography)和当地礼节与风俗习惯(local manners and customs)。
除了这些其实还有可以获得知识的,不像以上科目这么划分,它是一种语言学习(language learning)。比如CCTV有一个频道专门用英语来讲--《CCTV News》, 小伙伴们在看该节目的时候可以学习英语(learn English),积累不同领域的词汇(vocabulary in different sectors and fields)和专业知识理论(professional knowledge and theories)。
乙方观点说看电视 is good for children to get knowledge,其实还有另一方面也比较具体可以提及,那就知识传递方式(the way of knowledge transmission)。 看电视和看书不同,电视有鲜明的动画(vivid animations)和悦耳的声音(melodious sound),这些可以帮助小盆友们更好地吸收知识(absorb knowledge efficiently)。
那话说回来,讲了这么多,全都是大家熟悉的电视节目,为什么自己在写作文的时候就是想不起来呢? 这是一个抽象变具体的过程(abstractions turn into details),小伙伴们需要敢于并且善于把抽象的事物变具体,就像这个考题里的,把knowledge变具体,变成不同领域的知识。
那反过来想,为什么考官不给我们具体的方向呢,比如natural science。那题目中的乙方观点就成了Others say it is good for children to learn natural science。如果题目真这么出的话,可写的内容就太少了,就只能关注在自然科学上,其他的领域都不可以写了。所以考官不会这么出题,会故意在出题的时候把范围扩大,那范围一扩大了,关键词就变得抽象了,真实目的是不限制大家思路的发挥。
Task2题目为科技类话题:In many countries people can buy a wide range of household goods (for example, TV, microwave ovens and nice cookers). Is it a positive or negative development? 在很多国家,人们可以买到各式各样的家用商品(比如,电视,微波炉和好看的炊具)。这是一种积极的还是消极的发展呢?
The higher living standard nowadays makes it possible for people to afford various consumer goods such as TV, microwave ovens, etc. When we enjoy the benefits brought by the modern technology, there is a wide concern that this development may have detrimental effects on the environment. For individual households, there is no doubt that using home appliances can increase people's quality of life. Watching TV is a relaxing way for people to spend their leisure time and broaden their scope of knowledge, with informative and amusing programs available on the screen any time. Electric appliances in the kitchen can assist housewives to cook tasty and nutritious food, making the tiring task more enjoyable and efficient. Also, the rise in consumption of home appliances can boost the manufacturing industry, which can bring the government more tax revenues and create more jobs. However, there are negative repercussions to this pattern of worldwide growth of electric products. The production and use of these goods consume huge quantities of fuels and raw materials and generate carbon emissions, contributing to the deterioration of the environment. Another problem is that manufacturers constantly launch new products and consumers replace the old ones, so tons of waste products and components are produced every day. Disposal of such items as fridges and air conditioners is particularly troublesome, because they contain dangerous chemicals and take up space in landfill sites. Overall, it is a positive trend that people can afford various kinds of electric products, which indicates that their living conditions have improved. However, some measures such as energy-saving and recycling technologies need to be adopted for protecting the environment. (270 words)
题目为:In many countries, more and more people can buy a wide range of household goods like television, microwave oven and rice cooker. Is it a positive or negative development? Discuss both views and give your opinion.越来越多的人广泛使用家用电器,如电视,微波炉还有电饭煲。这是积极还是消极的发展吗?
相似写作话题(Similar Topic):
Nowadays, more and more people are having consumer goods like refrigerators and washing machines. Does this development bring more advantages than disadvantages? (2013/12/12)
引言开头household appliances: more positive than negative
主体A段 the advantages of household appliances (支持主题)
主体B段 the disadvantages of household appliances (支持主题)
结论结尾household appliances: more positive than negative (重申主题)
雅思考试写作Task2 7分范文
In a world of consumerism, home electrical and electronic appliances have become so integral to modern life that, in many ways, they are what distinguish today’s society from yesterday’s. Household goods like television, microwave oven and rice cooker make your life so much easierand more enjoyable, but there are some disadvantages. As a whole, this kind of household goods, when properly used, can bring you more benefits than drawbacks.
Generally speaking, buying over a dozen household equipments intended for daily use may be beneficial to you at home, from cooking to entertainment. Your microwave oven, for instance, allows you to cook rapidly with the turn of a dial, and this convenience provides more options in your daily life than in the past. Likewise, your rice cooker can simplify the cooking process by reducing the number of steps between you and your meal at the table. Further, because your refrigerator preserves foods for days or even weeks past their natural expiration dates, you can keep enough foods stocked in your freezer for future cooking, thereby saving your time spent on shopping. Similar advantages also apply to washing machines, dish-washers, dryers, and vacuum cleaners and so on. Thus, the more free time you save due to having appliances, the more other things you are capable of doing at your will, including watching television in the comfort of home after a heavy day from work.
老雅注:第二段支持主题,一头说利。第一句话是topic sentence。后面用举例的方式说明各类家用电器能为你节约时间,而最后一句则是点题:节约出来的时间有什么用呢?你可以自由支配,包括看电视休息等。
However, the development of consumerism in many countries is not entirely positive; and there are drawbacks which are less obvious and yet they should not be overlooked. To begin with, it not only costs money to buy consumer equipments but also to operate them. Of course, cost is a disadvantage if you buy too many household gadgets and use them excessively in what is called the “throw-away” society. No doubt, the modern consumerism is likely to have an en environmental impact, either from the production processes or the disposal of the devices ranging from kitchen devices to television sets. Accordingly, without safe and efficient ways of recycling, electronic wastes (after being burned to salvage bits of metal) may release toxic substance into the atmosphere, polluting the immediate environment. That is to say, the dramatic increase in the number of household goods means the problem of greater carbon dioxide emissions, apart from the problem of rising energy demands and expenses that will need to be met.
老雅注:第三段说弊。第一句话是 topic sentence。先从花钱说起,然后讨论对环境的影响。
On balance, the development of having useful appliances at your home is more positive than negative. Despite some bad effects typical of modern consumerism, life has become so much more full of pleasure due to these devices available from the kitchen to the bedroom. Now, ask yourself if you would rather live in today’s society or yesterday’s.
1. “Household goods” 是题目中的关键字(keywords), 必须出现在文章里,才不会跑题。当然,为了词汇有适当的变换,可以采取同义的词汇来替代。如:household/home “appliances, devices, equipments, gadgets, etc.”
2. “Is this a positive or negative development. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.” 答问题,看两边,如此你才能取得比较平衡的论证。你虽然认为好处多,你也得提到也有坏处。单边论证,难以说服读者。
3. 作文的三个T。Thesis statement主题句;Topic sentence 指标句;Transitional devices (however, thus, accordingly, likewise, but, and, nevertheless, that is to say, on balance, etc.)
4. 遵循评分标准:全面答题 task response ,逻辑连贯cohesion and coherence ,辞汇资源 lexical resource ,文法正确grammatical range and accuracy。
2018年1月6日雅思写作大作文task 2原创范文
paragraph 1 :结合时代背景引入话题且表明自己的观点。
paragraph 2: 论述网络购物的优点。(分为买家和卖家两个层面)
paragraph 3: 论述网络购物的缺点。(分为买家和实体商家两个层面)
paragraph 4: 总结上文论点,强调自己的观点以及如何避免缺点。
In contemporary society, most families are capable to afford home appliances such as television, microwave, oven and so on. It is generally accepted that those technological goods have brought great convenience to our life although they do generate negative effects on environment.
In terms of merits of using domestic appliances, the most obvious is that people’s quality of life has been boosted. Take TV as an example; watching TV is a preferable means of relaxation for people to spend their leisure time and release stress, with amusing programs, entertainment news as well as soap operas shown on the screen. Another case is that the application of microwave, oven and rock cookers in the kitchen saves housewives from heavy housework and even assists them in cooking delicious meals efficiently. Furthermore, consumers’ demands for electric appliances stimulate the development of manufacturing industries, which creates more job opportunities and bring the government increasing tax revenue.
However, it must be admitted that the worldwide use of household appliances inevitably contributes to environmental degradation. To commence with, in an attempt to maintain these devices function, a great amount of electricity has to be consumed, which is largely generated from fossil fuels such as coal and petroleum. In the long run, the scarcity of natural resources will become a tough issue for human beings. In addition, harmful gas emission is another big concern. As a matter of fact, in the use of fridge and air conditions, Freon (a kind of chemical gas) is emitted into air, leading to the destruction of ozone layer.
In conclusion, as far as I am concerned, it is a positive development that people can purchase various electric appliances. However, environment-friendly technology should be adopted in its production to protect environment.
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