1) an undesirable; one despised and rejected by others; an outcast;
2) a member of the lowest social caste in India
3) one that is despised or rejected : OUTCAST
4) an outcast
pariah : ostracize
pariah an outcast a rejected and despised person
pariah : contempt
PARIAH ----- an outcast, a rejected and despised person
pariah social outcast; Ex. Mariah the pariah
1. The pariahs in India comprise a caste known as “the untouchables.”
2. The soldiers returning home from the Vietnam War were treated as pariahs by much of the American public.
3. The pariah of the group sat by himself under the tree.
1) pleasing to taste or smell
2) extremely pleasing to the senses, divine (as related to the gods) or delicious (n: ambrosia)
3) (食物或者气味)特别美味的:something extremely pleasing to taste or smell
ambrosial <> unsavory
ambrosial : taste
ambrosial : food
【例】The ambrosial aroma of the roast stimulated our appetites.
【近】savory, aromal, aromatic, perfumed, redolent, odorous
【反】fetid, noisome, stenchy, malodorous, rancid
1) pleasing to taste or smell
2) extremely pleasing to the senses, divine (as related to the gods) or delicious (n: ambrosia)
3) (食物或者气味)特别美味的:something extremely pleasing to taste or smell
ambrosial <> unsavory
ambrosial : taste
ambrosial : food
【例】The ambrosial aroma of the roast stimulated our appetites.
【近】savory, aromal, aromatic, perfumed, redolent, odorous
【反】fetid, noisome, stenchy, malodorous, rancid
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