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提高GRE语文成绩 这些技巧你需要掌握


1. 先略读(找主谓宾),找到自己的答案,或是+/-态度,然后做标记,不要代入答案排除。必须看完GRE填空题给出的所有备选答案。

2. 两遍做题法:先做简单的,第一篇过题时,如果没思路,标记后果断跳过,无论是GRE考试还是其他考试,最忌讳在一个题目上浪费过多时间,所以遇到不会的,一定要赶紧跳过去;第二遍review,实在不行猜答案。

3. 重复是基本规律,同义重复和反义重复,解题就是找准中心词及其与空格的逻辑关系。要抓住空格所在的那层逻辑关系,不大用管其它层次的逻辑。同意重复一定是同义词,但是反义重复不一定是反义词,可以是上义词或下义词,而可以仅仅是程度的不同。

4. 先略读:先提炼主干,再读分隔,无效的分隔(分隔中和分隔前均无空格)不用读。尤其是三空题,更要简化句子,快速扫视,是阅读效率和逻辑的考察。

5. 分隔结构:定语从句,同位语从句,分词结构(现在分词、过去分词及不定式),大的介词短语结构。有时分隔结构出现在主从句中,比如because之后为逗号,接着是分隔,再接着是原因,一律先跳过分隔,先看原因、并列、转折等主干逻辑关系。


1. 保持好奇心


2. 记录新概念/事件/人物



3. 主动去阅读


1. Pause,读完每个段落停下来;

2. Evaluate,总结大意,思考此段落的作用;

3. Anticipate,预期下一段会讲什么;

4. Reassess,读完下一段再对第二步的evaluate进行评估。


4. Passage Map


你在每一次读完一篇GRE文章,都需要在脑子里形成一个Passage Map,这是非常重要的。


1 the sheer diversity of tropical plants represents a seemingly----source of raw materials, of which only a few have been utilized.






2 a common argument claims that in folk art, the artist's subordination of technical mastery to intense feeling _____ the direct communication of emotion to the viewer.

(a) facilitates

(b) averts

(c) neutralize

(d) implies

(e) represses

3 it is ironic that a critic of such overwhelming vanity now suffers from a measure of the oblivion to which he was forever----others, in the end, all his----has only worked against him.

(a) dedicating.. self-procession

(b) leading.. self-righteousness

(c) consigning.. self-adulation

(d) relegating.. self-sacrifice

(e) condemning.. self-analysis

4 the hierarchy of medical occupations is in many ways a----system; its strata remain----and the practitioners in them have very little vertical mobility.

(a) health.. skilled

(b) delivery.. basic

(c) regimental.. flexible

(d) training.. inferior

(e) cast.. intact

5 although ancient tools were----preserved, enough have survived to allow us to demonstrate an occasionally interrupted but generally----proGREss through prehistory.

(a) partially.. noticeable

(b) superficially.. necessary

(c) unwittingly.. documented

(d) rarely.. continual

(e) needlessly.. incessant

6 it is puzzling to observe that jones's novel has recently been criticized for its______structure, since commentators have traditionally argued that its most obvious_______is its relentlessly rigid, indeed schematic, framework..

(a) attention to.. preoccupation

(b) speculation about.. characteristic

(c) parody of.. disparity

(d) violation of.. contradiction

(e) lack of.. flaw

7 ironically, the party leaders encountered no GREater----their efforts to build a proGREssive party than the----of the proGREssives already elected to the legislature.

(a) support for.. advocacy

(b) threat to.. promise

(c) benefit from.. success

(d) obstacle to.. resistance

(e) praise for.. reputation

8 during the 1960's assessments of the family shifted remarkably, from general endorsement of it as a worthwhile, stable institution to widespread----it as an oppressive and bankrupt one whose----was both imminent and welcome.

(a) flight from.. restitution

(b) fascination with.. corruption

(c) rejection of.. vogue

(d) censure of.. dissolution

(e) relinquishment of.. ascent

9 until the current warming trend exceeds the range of normal climatic fluctuations, there will be, among scientists, considerable----the possibility that increasing levels of atmospheric co2 can cause long-term warming effects.

(a) interest in

(b) uncertainty about

(c) enthusiasm for

(d) worry about

(e) experimentation on

10 the idealized paintings of nature produced in the eighteenth century are evidence that the medieval -------natural settings had been ----- and that the outdoors now could be enjoyed without trepidation.

(a)fear of.. exorcised

(b)concerns about..regained

(c)affection for.. surmounted

(d)disinterest in.. alleviated

(e)enthusiasm for.. confronted

keys:daced eddba


1. kagan maintains that an infant's reactions to its first stressful experiences are part of a natural process of development, not harbingers of childhood unhappiness or ----signs of adolescent anxiety.

(a) prophetic

(b) normal

(c) monotonous

(d) virtual

(e) typical

2.the spellings of many old english words have been----in the living language, although their pronunciations have changed.

(a) preserved

(b) shortened

(c) preempted

(d) revised

(e) improved

3. although johnson ____GREat enthusiasm for his employees' project, in reality his interest in the project was so ____as to be almost nonexistent.



(c) expected…indiscriminate



4. however _____ they might be, roman poets were bound to have some favorite earlier author whom they would ___.



(c) original…emulate


(e) talented…neglect

5. the "imposter syndrome" often afflicts those who fear that true self-disclosure will lower them in others' esteem; rightly handled, however, _____may actually _____one's standing.

(a) willfulness…consolidate

(b) imposture…undermine


(d) candor…enhance

(e) mimicry…efface

6. the new biological psychiatry does not deny the contributing role of psychological factors in mental illnesses, but posits that these factors may act as a catalyst on existing physiological conditions and----such illnesses.






7. in the seventeenth century, direct flouting of a generally accepted system of values was regarded as----, even as a sign of madness.

(a) adventurous

(b) frivolous

(c) willful

(d) impermissible

(e) irrational

8. literature is inevitably a ------ rather than -------medium for the simple reason that writers interpose their own vision between the reader and reality.

(a)distorting.. a neutral

(b)transparent.. an opaque

(c)colorful.. a drab

(d)flawless. .an inexact

9. the proponents of recombinant dna research have decided to----federal regulation of their work; they hope that by making this compromise they can forestall proposed state and local controls that might be even stiffer.

(a) protest



(d) encourage


10. because many of the minerals found on the ocean floor are still -----on land, where mining is relatively inexpensive, mining the ocean floor has yet to become a------


(a)scarce. . common

(b)accessible.. marginal

(c)unidentified.. subsidized

(d)conserved . . public

(e)plentiful.. profitable

答案:aadcd deade














