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probable有很可能的事,可能入选者的意思。那你们想知道probable的用法吗?今天小编给大家带来了probable的用法 ,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧。



adj. 可能的,大概的

n. 很可能的事,可能入选者





The most probable discipline for its use is chemical engineering, but it can also be used in materials science, fuels science, and chemistry programs.它的使用的最很可能的纪律是化学工程,但是它也能被在材料科学,燃料科学和化学计画方面使用。

The most probable discipline for its use is chemical engineering, but it can also be used in materials science, fuels science, and chemistry programs.它的使用的最很可能的纪律是化学工程,但是它也能被在材料科学,燃料科学和化学计画方面使用。


1、The Socialists united behind their probable presidential candidate, Michel Rocard.


2、I fear that a land war now looks very probable.


3、The probable outcome of the talks is a compromise.



1. Possible一般用于客观上有发生的可能性,但暗示这种情况的可能性较小(即说话者对事件发生的可能性不抱有太大希望)。例:It is not possible to finish the task tomorrow. 明天完成任务是不可能的。

2. Probable表示事物的可能性有充分的依据或者理由,让人有理由相信。

例:It is probable that he has forgotten the date. 他很可能忘记这次约会了(暗示可能性较大)。

3. Likely 意为“很可能的”,暗示有较大的可能。

例:The flight is likely to be late(暗示可能性较大). 航班很可能晚点了。

4. 在用法上,possible和probable可用物或it做主语,一般不用人来做主语。而likely可以用人或物或it来做主语。


1.War seemed probable in 1938. The home team, far ahead, is the probable winner.战争在1938年就很有可能爆发。主队得分遥遥领先,很可能成为胜利者

2.It is hardly probable that he will succeed.他不会成功。

3.The probable outcome of the talks is a compromise.会谈的结果很可能是妥协。

4.It is probable to finish the job before dark.天黑之前有可能完成这项工作。

5.It is probable that he has forgotten our appointment.很可能他是忘了我们的约会了。

6.Determine the most probable position (s)of the electron for each eigenstate.试对各个本征态,分别确定电子最可能出现的一个(或几个)位置。

7.A diagnosis of probable reaction to cyclizine causing a lingual-facial-buccal dyskinesia was made.诊断考虑可能为赛克利嗪引起的舌-面-颊部运动障碍。

8.It is probable that she might change her mind at the last minute.她大概会在最后时刻改变主意。

9.A storm is probable today.今天可能会有暴风雨。

10.He is a probable candidate.他是有希望的候选人。

11.He is so rash that he is blind to the probable results of his rude words.他太鲁莽对自己粗话可能引起的后果全然不顾。

12.Inference, which includes apodictic inference and probable inference, is the chief thought pattern of ascertaining case quality.推理是到明案件性质的主要思维形式,它包括必然推理和或然推理。

13.Merson and Wright are probables.默森和赖特很有希望成为队员。

14.Results prove that worst-case or root-sum-square analyses are not adequate to predict probable performance accurately.A Monte Carlo analysis must be performed.【文献摘要】A numerical analysis indicates that tolerance stackup effects in free-space optical interconnects are significant even for short systems containing few components.

15.Bid in medical action for example in the process, the agency of probable sham competitor enters a few enterprises to boodle all right..例如在医药招投标过程中,一些企业很可能假冒竞争对手的经销商进行贿赂...

16.Last December scientists announced the probable extinction of the first mammal because of climate change: the white lemuroid possum, now gone from Queensland, Australia.2008年12月,科学家宣布第一个可能因气候变迁而灭绝的哺乳类:白狐猴负鼠,已经从澳洲的昆士兰消失了。

17.Besides, We indicated the main adavantages of this means and probable way of overcoming its shortage, that is, method of difference value of isoporic lines is used to process data of some stations.另外,文中指出了该手段的主要优点及克服其缺点的可能途径,即有些台站可采用地磁等变线差值法处理。


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